On friday afternoon, after a day and a half in Labor and Delivery Wyatt was doing well so we got to move to the "Floor." So called because it is the floor where all the long-term patients stay. Most have something to do with babies but not all. I was moved from my private room to a "Semi-private" room. Which means I had a roommate. She had been there for two weeks already and was used to a certain amount of quiet...
Let's just say my life is not quiet.
My mom and sister (and nephew Rylan) had just come down to start taking care of the kids and stopped by to see me. We were going over the daily schedule and planning all kinds of things. Talking about what the doctors had said and what we were hoping for. Also Rylan was trying to nap...in the bathroom. It seemed to work well to us. We could still go in and use the restroom and if we woke him up he could cry himself back to sleep. That happened once. But didn't bother us any...
Then Mitch, Kennedi and William came in ready to move in. I hadn't seen the kids since Wednesday evening so I was so excited to see them and they were excited to see me too. We had a very loud reunion. :-) About 20 minutes later a nurse, who will remain nameless, came in and said that my family was going to have to leave because they were bothering my roommate. Her husband had called to complain after talking to her on the phone. But she never said anything to us.
So next thing you know Mitch is saying he won't leave and I am crying again begging them not to take my family away from me. After a heated and emotional chat with the nurse she left and an hour later returned with news that they had found another room, this one private, that had the required fetal monitor in it. Two hours later I was wheeled bed and all into my new fabulous room!
It is huge! I have two great big windows that let me see the trees and sky. It is a radiation patient room so it is extra large and fits the family very well. I am so thankful for it!
We can be as loud as we want and we don't bother anyone. Thank you Lord!
We have really turned the room into "home." Mitch and the kids drew on two huge posters and My sister and I made one each with scripture and some pictures as well. It makes the white wall across from my bed much brighter. I also have family pictures on the window sill and pictures of Kennedi and William and Wyatt's last ultrasound on the wall so I can see them all day long. Two mini-rose plants are on the window sill as well and I am doing my best to keep them alive. So far so good. Yes the Lord has truly blessed me with a bright and lively room in the midst of the sterile hospital that I find myself in. He is so good.
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