Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bat Battle

There is no way I will do this story justice but here goes...
On Tuesday morning, Mitch was filling up Rocky's water dish and he noticed that the siding under our eve was loose and hanging a bit. He lifted the flap and down fell droppings. Yuck! He thought they were from a rat or something but didn't have time to investigate further because he had to get the kids to the Lingners' and get to work. He did some investigating online and found out that rat and bat droppings look about the same and that there are bats in our area. Vampire bats even...they like to bite.
So Thursday afternoon after he had laid the kids down for nap he prepared for battle. He took a ladder and a tennis racket and took a look. He lifted the flap and right in his face, there it was, a bat just staring back at him. He slammed the siding back down and started banging on it with the tennis racket.
Thinking he had at least stunned if not killed the bat he lifted the siding again. This time the bat was staring right back at him, teeth gleaming and hissing. It was go time. Mitch tore the siding off and started whacking at the bat. A fierce battle ensued but the bat gave flight and hid in a tree. Mitch was victorious!
He cleaned out the area and then hammered the siding back tight. No more freeloading bats allowed.
So proud of my husband for taking on a bat and so glad that I wasn't there. Bats...gross.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ambien Experience

Not sure how to spell that medicine's name but I am sure of one thing...It Works!
I didn't sleep well at all on Saturday and Sunday night, so by Monday I was really tired. My nurses had told me that I could have an ambien anytime I needed one, so I thought, Why not.
It was midnight when I took it and I usually sleep till 8am so I thought it would work out great...Not so much. I woke up groggy, ordered breakfast, and fell back asleep. Woke up when my food arrived 40 minutes later, ate, called the nurse to be put on the fetal monitor, and fell asleep. Woke up, was put on the monitor, and fell asleep. Woke up to be taken off the monitor and fell back to sleep. Heard my housekeeper Wanda come in to clean, tired to say something to words came out, didn't even know if she cleaned the room because I was sound asleep. Finally woke up at 11:30, ordered lunch, took a shower, ate lunch and then took a two hour nap! Woke up at 4pm.
After that I was awake for the rest of the day but had slept through most of it.
So crazy. I have never experienced that kind of knock out. Won't be doing that again anytime soon :-)

31 weeks on 8/25

Well we made it to 31 weeks and all is going well with baby Wyatt. I am a bit stir crazy but knowing that we only have 3 weeks max makes it seem more doable. Who would have guessed I'd live in a hospital for over 7 weeks of my life? And I'm not even sick! Life is crazy sometimes but it is all good. I've been reading a lot and found some great quotes about troubles.

"There must be a trial. For as long as the flesh has everything agreeable and according to its inclinations, the soul will never wholly and with power cling to the Lord." Andrew Murray
"Trouble is here. It is for a purpose. Use it for the purpose for which it was intended- to help you grow. Thank God for your troubles." Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

God really has used this time to draw myself and Mitch closer to him and closer to each other. I didn't think it was possible to love my husband more than I did. But it is and I do. We may be farther apart in location but we are closer in spirit than we have ever been. Walking through this trial together has really challenged us to cling to God and to support each other in all things. And we have already come out stronger. I find myself loving more and more of his character every day. So thankful to the Lord for revealing more of the fabulous qualities that he has put in my husband. Am so blessed to be his wife.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

True Sight

I was reading through a daily devotional that Mitch's Nanie sent to me titled, The Miracle of Sight. It was in reference to John 9:15 when Jesus healed the blind man. The woman who wrote it explained how Jesus heals that man's physical blindness and that He is powerful to heal our spiritual blindness as well. Through him we see ourselves as we really are. We are made aware of the sins that we might try to justify without his spirit leading us to repentance. She concluded by saying "Let's be sure to spend enough time with Him, allowing Him to remove the sin that blinds us."
It was a great reminder to me of why spending time with Jesus every day is so important. There are times in my life when I have justified sin or been totally blind to it until someone else pointed it out. Without a clean heart, right spirit and renewed mind, what chance do any of us have in making the right choices and not being hopeless slaves to sin? I fool myself when I think I can make it though a day without him. I pray that every day I will spend time with him so that I too can have true sight and walk in his presence.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dr. Bobbie Bear

One of the best Patient Care Associates at this hospital is named Bobbie. I have had the chance to get to know her over the last 6 weeks and she is wonderful and sweet. She is a mother and grandmother and she takes care of me as well as my kids when they are here.
Last week she started letting Kennedi practice taking her temperature orally when I got my vitals taken. Both kids love to get their vitals now and almost always get their pulse and oxygen levels after I do.
Well, last friday, the 12th, Kennedi had a fever and we were stuck at the hospital not knowing what to do. We didn't have medicine here or a way to check her temperature. And who do you think walked in for the evening shift...Bobbie! She was an angel. She took Kennedi's temperature and it was just under 100 degrees. We told her we didn't have any children's Tylenol and she offered to go get some for us. The pharmacy won't sell it to anyone but hospital staff. So off she went and came back with two different bottles. She wouldn't let us repay her either. Then she said she'd be back in an hour to see how things were going.
Kennedi's temp had gone up slightly after an hour, but she was looking better and was not as upset. Bobbie said she knew just the thing to make her feel better and was off again. When she came back there was something hidden under her nurses jacket. She walked over to Kennedi and pulled out a stuffed bear complete with embroidered St. John's Mercy doctor's jacket. Kennedi's face lit up! Bobbie told her that she needed to name Dr. Bear and keep it with her over night and she would feel so much better in the morning! It was so sweet!
Well, Kennedi did name the bear, Dr. Bobbie Bear, and she has slept with it every night since. The fever only lasted a couple of days with no other symptoms. We were very thankful for that and that God made sure Bobbie was taking care of us that night. We wouldn't have made it through so well without her.

30 weeks

Well we have made it 6 weeks. Never thought when I came it at 24 weeks that I'd make it this far. God is definitely bigger that the statistics!
I am praying for a full 4 weeks more but at least 2 more weeks. I really want to make it to 32 weeks now. That is the next "milestone" age and things get even safer after that. I know that Wyatt is in God's hands so I'm trying not to worry too much but all the reading that I am doing has convinced me to keep praying for at least 2 more weeks of growing time for him.
I signed my "birth plan" today so I know that it is in the file now that I am going VBAC! Very exciting. I don't know that it will work out but the last thing I want to have to do is fight with a doctor over how this baby is coming out. The paper work helps me know that they are all on the same page. No pun intended :-)
I was talking to a friend on Monday night and one thing that this process has shown me is that when you have a normal pregnancy there are hundreds of little things that you never are told about or have to talk about with the doctor. But when something goes wrong, in my care premature rupture of membranes, you are given all of those things to think about, worry about, learn about, and pray about. Lots of them have decisions that have to be made after all of that. It is a lot more taxing than a normal pregnancy. Makes me really thankful for the first two pregnancies going so well and grateful that God is the final word on all of this so even if my plan fails, He never does! He is never surprised, overwhelmed, or unsure. He already knows how this ends. And I will trust him to get me there.
Psalm 95-Psalm 100 say over and over again to sing to the Lord a new song, to worship him with joy, to tell of his salvation and marvelous works, to rejoice in the Lord and give thanks to His holy name.
I will join in that giving thanks to him for his protection and provision over the last month and 1/2. He is the one who holds Wyatt and sustains his life day by day. He made the earth and all that is in it. He is mighty and greatly to be praised.
Psalm 100:3-5
Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Breaking out of here

The last two days on our 45 minute outings we have made a run for it...Across the street that is. Yesterday Mitch asked our nurse if we could go across the street when we went outside. To which she replied, "I don't know where you go when you leave your room." Smile and wink. So we took that as a go for it. So we did. We went to Walgreens to pick up some pictures I ordered and look around for awhile. It was a lot of fun. We were quite a sight to be seen. Mitch had William on his back in a hiking pack and was pushing me in a wheelchair with Kennedi on my lap. No security personnel came after us so when I realized last night that I needed to pick up a few things I thought why not go for it again? Such a rebel I know. :-) The adrenaline rush was amazing! Teehee. I think it was really a reaction to leaving the hospital property after almost 6 weeks of being here. Nice to break things up a bit. We'll see what antics next week brings.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aug 10th

I am now 29 weeks pregnant and have lived in this hospital for 5 weeks. We are half way there! Not a lot of news on the baby front. All is still going well and we are doing well. The ultrasound was great and the doctor is pleased with how well this is going. Very encouraging.
I am doing my best to hold fast to him and to pour out my cares at his feet. I was reading today in Psalm 91:14&15 and it says that "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him."
I am also aware that I don't just live in the hospital I dwell in the shelter of the Most High. Psalm 91:1-4 talks about dwelling in the shelter of the Most High, abiding in the shadow of the Almighty, that the Lord is our refuge and fortress and that he covers us with his pinions and under his wings we find refuge.
I am very thankful that He is the one taking care of my family. I can trust in his name.
Please join with us in praying for 5 more weeks for Wyatt and for our willingness to trust in God's timing even if it means delivering Wyatt before 34 weeks. God is stronger than these days and weeks and He will be glorified no matter what. Also, I am still hoping for a vbac, but have realized that if I do have to have a caesarian I don't want to become bitter toward the Lord. So I am still praying that the vbac will go as planed but that no matter what happens, I will be happy to live according to God's plan for my life and not my own. Trusting that he will carry through that as well as he has carried be through this time of waiting in the hospital. Please keep Mitch and the kids in your prayers too, they are doing well but this is a hard time and the kids are asking when I get to come home...I wish I knew :-)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

More Praises

Well for those of you who don't know if all goes well I will have lived in the hospital 10 weeks when Wyatt is born. And all of that time I had to find people to take care of our kids. Yesterday we filled in the last two empty dates! Praise God. Our friends and family have really stepped in to take care of us. And we are so thankful!
Other good news: We had another ultrasound yesterday and the preliminary report was good. Wyatt weighs 3 1bs 1 oz which is bigger than average (by just a little, but it helps), we got to see him practice breathing again (Mitch and the kids were there too so that was the first time they saw it, very cool), my amniotic fluid is down slightly but not in a way that they are worried about. It was a 7 on the 22nd of July and is 6.25 now. Still on the good side but barely. 5 is the low threshold for fluid. Other good news is that he is still head down. I am praying that he stays that way to make having a vbac possible.

I woke up today at 6 am and couldn't go back to sleep. That is a first for me here since I stay up till midnight or later waiting to get my vitals taken and Wyatt's heartbeat. I just couldn't stop thinking about Mitch and the kids. I prayed for them for a while, that usually helps and then I can go back to bed, but not today. Finally I called Mitch. I just talked to him about how much I miss them and wish I was back home taking care of them. I miss my job. After a tearful talk we hung up and I went before the Lord. It was really good. Because he didn't make me feel bad for wanting to be with my family and in the role as wife and mother, He just let me find peace in the fact that He is taking care of them all the time (even when I think I am) and that right now is no different. He loves them!!! and even more than I do. And He is going to be there every step of the way to provide for them. This too shall pass (it is only 10 weeks of our lives) but on this journey He will show himself worthy of praise and honor over and over. Thanks be to God the maker of the universe who cares for the least of these, counts our tears, knows the hairs on our head and has numbered our days before we are in our mothers womb.
Great is our God and greatly to be praised!

One thing that you can join in prayer for us in is for me to be able to have a vbac with Wyatt. I had to have an emergency caesarian with William and while the doctors are on board for the vbac there are some things that might make them change their mind. One of them is if I have to be induced...which I have had to be with both of my kids. So I have my doubts that my body will just suddenly figure out how to go into labor on its own. And at 34 weeks. But God is able to make all things happen so would you please join with me and pray that at 34 weeks my body will begin labor and that I will be able to deliver without a caesarian? Thanks. I'll let you know how it all turns out :-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why worry?

This stay in the hospital has helped drill the scripture in Matthew 6, 25“For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28“And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31“Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32“For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

One of the best things about being here under doctor supervision is also one of the worst things; they check in on Wyatt a lot. The more they check the more stuff they find to worry about or at least look into. A week and a half ago they came in and had two different ideas about what the bright spot in the ultrasounds could be. One was CMV and the other was cystic fibrosis. Both are very scary and make life for a baby harder so with a premi it would be all the more though for him to be healthy and get to come home. I had my blood taken and the tests came back on Sunday. Thankfully they have pretty much ruled them out.
I had the antibodies for CMV but that just means that I've been exposed to the virus at some point in my life and though they cannot say when I was exposed the ultrasound is a better diagnostic for CMV and have shown no further indications that I passed CMV to Wyatt. If CMV is if contracted by the mother during pregnancy, it can be very dangerous for the baby. It can result in blindness, deafness, bleeding in the brain etc. So while I have never worried about that before...or ever heard of it before, I am glad to know pretty conclusively that Wyatt does not have that.
The cystic fibrosis test also came back "negative." And both parents have to be carriers to pass it on to their children, so we are out of the woods on that too. Which is good to know because it is another scary disease. It causes mucus to become thick and sticky. The mucus builds up and clogs passages in the lungs, pancreas, and many other organs in the body. Which can cause all kinds of problems for infants.
So thanks be to God that he is taking care of Wyatt and all the details of his health, even ones I had never thought to worry about.
One cool thing about this week of waiting was that Mitch and I had a lot of time to think about what our lives would look like with a special needs baby. It was definitely overwhelming to think about, but we were also thankful that if he did have special needs he would be in our family. Because we would love him with God's love, knowing that God chose to make him that way for His glory not by some medical mistake. I am definitely sitting here thankful for a healthy report, but also willing to take on whatever God gives us knowing full well that He will provide the strength that we need for whatever He gives us. I want to be a willing servant, ready to take whatever He decides is for my best and "live life to the hilt" no matter where life takes us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

28 Weeks!

The day is finally here! I have lived in this hospital for a full month and Wyatt has made it through the scariest part of his development. Going into labor before 28 weeks, there are so many things to worry about and so much that can go wrong. I am more than grateful to God that he continues to allow us to beat the odds and stay pregnant! I don't really have anything new to report. Every day is more of the same but for that I am thankful too. No contractions or cramping or anything. Just same ol' steady living. So we are hoping for 6 more weeks of this. Crazy that I hope to live in this hospital for another 6 weeks but I do. As much as I would rather be at home with my kids, that is not an option, so for Wyatt's sake, let the 6 weeks come!
I am getting a lot of reading done while here, Have read Mountains of Spices the sequel to Hinds feet on High Places, and The Hobbit (had read it before but when I heard how long I'd be here I asked my mom to bring me the full set). And now am reading Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot and am 20 pages away from finishing The Fellowship of The Ring. I had read that too but have forgotten so many details it is like reading parts of it for the first time. After I finish them all I'm having my own movie marathon with the extended versions!
I have also been crocheting again. I started a blanket for Mitch for valentines day and that lasted a bout a month. Now after a month of nothing but time I'm at least half way through if not more. Shouldn't take too long to get it finished I am picking up speed as I go along. I'll try to get a picture of it on the site once it's done. It is going to be huge! At least 6 feet long so Mitch is all wrapped up in the winter time:-)
Just had a good talk with my doctor and all looks good. I'll have another ultrasound next week so that will be fun and I get to do the gestational diabetes test in the next day or two...not so fun but it has to be done. Thankful I made it long enough to get the test.
My family is on the way! I'm outa here (but not really, I'll still be sitting in my room)