Tuesday, August 9, 2011

More Praises

Well for those of you who don't know if all goes well I will have lived in the hospital 10 weeks when Wyatt is born. And all of that time I had to find people to take care of our kids. Yesterday we filled in the last two empty dates! Praise God. Our friends and family have really stepped in to take care of us. And we are so thankful!
Other good news: We had another ultrasound yesterday and the preliminary report was good. Wyatt weighs 3 1bs 1 oz which is bigger than average (by just a little, but it helps), we got to see him practice breathing again (Mitch and the kids were there too so that was the first time they saw it, very cool), my amniotic fluid is down slightly but not in a way that they are worried about. It was a 7 on the 22nd of July and is 6.25 now. Still on the good side but barely. 5 is the low threshold for fluid. Other good news is that he is still head down. I am praying that he stays that way to make having a vbac possible.

I woke up today at 6 am and couldn't go back to sleep. That is a first for me here since I stay up till midnight or later waiting to get my vitals taken and Wyatt's heartbeat. I just couldn't stop thinking about Mitch and the kids. I prayed for them for a while, that usually helps and then I can go back to bed, but not today. Finally I called Mitch. I just talked to him about how much I miss them and wish I was back home taking care of them. I miss my job. After a tearful talk we hung up and I went before the Lord. It was really good. Because he didn't make me feel bad for wanting to be with my family and in the role as wife and mother, He just let me find peace in the fact that He is taking care of them all the time (even when I think I am) and that right now is no different. He loves them!!! and even more than I do. And He is going to be there every step of the way to provide for them. This too shall pass (it is only 10 weeks of our lives) but on this journey He will show himself worthy of praise and honor over and over. Thanks be to God the maker of the universe who cares for the least of these, counts our tears, knows the hairs on our head and has numbered our days before we are in our mothers womb.
Great is our God and greatly to be praised!

One thing that you can join in prayer for us in is for me to be able to have a vbac with Wyatt. I had to have an emergency caesarian with William and while the doctors are on board for the vbac there are some things that might make them change their mind. One of them is if I have to be induced...which I have had to be with both of my kids. So I have my doubts that my body will just suddenly figure out how to go into labor on its own. And at 34 weeks. But God is able to make all things happen so would you please join with me and pray that at 34 weeks my body will begin labor and that I will be able to deliver without a caesarian? Thanks. I'll let you know how it all turns out :-)

1 comment:

  1. I missed coming to see you today, but am so glad for all the good news! Love you, friend:)
