Wednesday, August 3, 2011

28 Weeks!

The day is finally here! I have lived in this hospital for a full month and Wyatt has made it through the scariest part of his development. Going into labor before 28 weeks, there are so many things to worry about and so much that can go wrong. I am more than grateful to God that he continues to allow us to beat the odds and stay pregnant! I don't really have anything new to report. Every day is more of the same but for that I am thankful too. No contractions or cramping or anything. Just same ol' steady living. So we are hoping for 6 more weeks of this. Crazy that I hope to live in this hospital for another 6 weeks but I do. As much as I would rather be at home with my kids, that is not an option, so for Wyatt's sake, let the 6 weeks come!
I am getting a lot of reading done while here, Have read Mountains of Spices the sequel to Hinds feet on High Places, and The Hobbit (had read it before but when I heard how long I'd be here I asked my mom to bring me the full set). And now am reading Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot and am 20 pages away from finishing The Fellowship of The Ring. I had read that too but have forgotten so many details it is like reading parts of it for the first time. After I finish them all I'm having my own movie marathon with the extended versions!
I have also been crocheting again. I started a blanket for Mitch for valentines day and that lasted a bout a month. Now after a month of nothing but time I'm at least half way through if not more. Shouldn't take too long to get it finished I am picking up speed as I go along. I'll try to get a picture of it on the site once it's done. It is going to be huge! At least 6 feet long so Mitch is all wrapped up in the winter time:-)
Just had a good talk with my doctor and all looks good. I'll have another ultrasound next week so that will be fun and I get to do the gestational diabetes test in the next day or two...not so fun but it has to be done. Thankful I made it long enough to get the test.
My family is on the way! I'm outa here (but not really, I'll still be sitting in my room)

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