Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday the 15th of July

The latest update with Wyatt and I is that things are still going well. We have made it a week and two days! So I am now over 25 weeks pregnant and thankful for every day that I get to stay that way. We had another ultrasound today to measure my amniotic fluid and it was a positive change! I am now at a 5+. Last week it was a 3 so that is really good news. Also 5 is within the "healthy" range for amniotic is 24 though so we are just on the edge but I'll take it!
Also they got to see Wyatt practice breathing. That was really cool. We hadn't seen that before and that is encouraging because it means his lungs are developing and that is a good sign. We are still praying for 9 more weeks in the hospital before he comes out but every day is better than the last.

Psalm 33:20-22
"Our soul waits for the Lord, he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him because we trust in his holy mane. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you."


  1. hi dinah-
    it's been a while, but i've heard through friends and facebook about your hospitalization, and wanted to let you know that i am thinking and praying for you and your family. i'm sure that having a thankful heart is really difficult right now, but from reading your blog, it is so apparent to me that you are seeking God and that He is blessing you with a heart of hope and trust and gratitude. a "living sacrifice" comes to mind. it was also neat to read your previous entry about finding out you were pregnant... how good is our Father to prepare our hearts for His plan - hold on to that! He is faithful to complete the good work He started and to work all things to His good purpose.
    with love, katie anne

  2. That is wonderful news! Thank you for keeping us updated. I will continue to pray, always.
